*** NOTICE: This topic is now obsolete. Use the 0.x Mantis Bug Tracker to report bugs. This page will be kept as a reference. ***
- Disable or fix horn in GTA3:MTA (if player horns, all other vehicles horn/siren too). Not synced. Same for sirens and secondary sirens.
- Pay'n'Sprays don't change colors. Repair is synced as long as you're the driver or a passenger.
- Username/HP tags change between white and yellow depending on how you look at them
- In-game colors are bugged. Some whites are yellow, some grays blue, the sky/buildings/water flashes different colors at different times...
- Client has issues with Windows Vista and Windows 7
- Set a universal button combo for both GTA3:MTA and MTA:VC for entering as a passenger. Make it something not currently used. Test out the g button as a possibility
- Disable the horn while typing in text chat for both driver and passenger(s)
- Fix passenger desync trick that allows multiple passengers to sit in one seat. (Ie. Dodo bug)
- Prevent desync when player pauses/allow damage, sync, etc. to continue
- Pressing F1 or F3 for replay in GTA3:MTA causes the server to report the user as dead without a reason for death. It also doesn't report the user as dead the next time they die. (Ie. "Username1 died."). It *sometimes* will report a death reason. This also effects MTA:VC
- Cars often become desynced with flying vehicles and cause users viewing them as cars to drive helicopters/planes, and users viewing them as flying vehicles to fly cars. Affects both GTA3:MTA and MTA:VC
- /kill is SOMETIMES bugged inside vehicles. When done in GTA3:MTA, SOMETIMES nothing happens but the server reports you as dead. Normally though, as with MTA:VC, your HP is set to 0 but you do not die until you step out of the car, and you can continue to drive around although it is desynced to others. Passengers so far do not appear bugged at all
- Possible Z plane desync - causes double jumps sometimes
- Restarting GTA3:MTA through GTA's menu causes GTA to crash like in MTA:VC
- When a player drowns, often the water ripples can be seen floating above ground around another player
- Garage doors are not synced
- When a user times out and returns, they are automatically desynced. Suggest adding an auto-killer upon leaving or return to prevent desync and cross server hacking/map exploits
- If you type in a space/blank character into the client chat and send it, it will not send in the client, but it will in the game
- Change "Username1 killed himself" to be non-gender specific
- Update the game files to use the correct (newer) logo icon
- The PC version alternative Claude Speed skin (playa2), when chosen, causes MTA to crash. Implement override to avoid errors when chosen as default
- Replace server browser with one that is running and working
- Replace server browser logo image and linking URL
- Remove the keyword-based anti-hack system
- MTAPH is not installed by default upon installation of Multi Theft Auto
- Update MTAPH to include support for MTA:SA and automatically detect versions and be distributed with all versions of Multi Theft Auto
- Links in out-game chat in the client need to be made click-able
- Add a spectate mode to GTA3:MTA
- Fix death reasons so that players are not seen as killing other players with suicide deaths like "Drowned", "Explosion", etc.
- If using WinVista/Win7, if you don't right-click and run MTAClient.exe as an administrator, the connect button does not work
Generic SCM changes:
- Vehicle particle code
- Optimize code
- Speedometer code
- Stunt/unique jumps
- Useless carcols
- Condense threads where possible
- If there is main loop/wait 1000 ms/jump @loop, replace with 004E end_thread
- If there is "forbidden for peds/cars cube", remove if car/ped density declared as 0.0
- Remove debug code (@tester, etc)
- Ammunations code
- Remove name_thread for main/missions if existing
- Make blips larger for GTA3:MTA/make blips universal size for both GTA3:MTA and MTA:VC
- Implement interiors
- Mark the real Pay'n'Spray on radar
- Block off garages/doors that seem useless: Single Player Safe House, 8-Ball's Bomb Shop, Safehouse garage across from Hospital, Mafia Mansion, Securicar Garage, and Car Import Garage are working as a Pay'n'Spray
- Remove inaccessible weapons on roof next to Joe's, northern edge of the concrete west of 8-Ball's Bomb Shop, southwest of ChinaTown marketplace up the stairs next to the billboard, the overpass in the Diablo's territory, and on top of the rooftop downhill jumps between apartment towers, (shotgun, mac, pistol)
- Remove the "Turismo Mission" code. It is no longer relevant to current and future versions of MTA as it is now bugged
- Money can be made from stunting without a stunt mode active
- Money can be made from ramming other cars. Drivers and passengers get the money
- Ammunation/Phil's Place/Weapon Buy areas can sometimes teleport you to another location when you exit them
- Car crushers not working
- No trains or subways are working or exist
- First single player mission "blown up bridge vehicles and objects" need to be removed
- Users earn money from entering a taxi, like in single player. This should be removed
- Spawn and weapon buy (no competitor buying) systems from SSV need to be copied over to this island, and the old ones removed
- Implement interiors
- Unlike Portland, all garages are locked. Even the Pay'n'Spray itself.
- One of Staunton's subway station is unlocked. It shouldn't be, since it causes crashes by the train and leads to other islands.
- If the Pay'n'Spray gets added, mark it on the radar.
- Pay'n'Spray behind parking garage, (near GTA:LCS safe house in GTA:LCS), allows users to enter the garage through a non-solid garage door, but does nothing. Even cop cars enter and there are no notifications or effects.
- There are no limits on the play area. Scripts similar to Portland's need to be implemented.
- Money can be made from stunting without a stunt mode active
- Money can be made from ramming other cars. Drivers only get the money
- Ammunation/Phil's Place/Weapon Buy areas can sometimes teleport you to another location when you exit them
- No trains or subways are working or exist
- Spawn and weapon buy (no competitor buying) systems from SSV need to be copied over to this island, and the old ones removed
Shoreside Vale:
- Implement interiors
- Money can be made from ramming other cars. Drivers only get the money
- Ammunation/Phil's Place/Weapon Buy areas can sometimes teleport you to another location when you exit them
- Sometimes users can spawn as Claude Speed inside the out-game spawn area, (red brick building - Yakuza Spawn/Weapon Buy area), where the army of Claude's is located.
- Cops spawn only where there is a cop car, regardless of their location i.e. if there's a police car parked in the airport, the cop spawns next to the police car
- Constant jumping as you spawn can result in falling through the map and spawning in random locations
- No trains or subways are working or exist
- When attempting to purchase a "Go To Game Selection" taxi from a team's "Ammunation" purchasing zone, the text that tells a user they do not have enough to purchase the item is covered up for the taxi selection by the text "Go To Game Selection"
- The bus' explosion in the "Speed" mini-game is not completely synced
Vice City Deathmatch:
To be added.
Vice City Stunt:
To be added.
More Information:
http://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/MTA ... own_Issues